The Association exists solely because of the active participation of members. We wholeheartedly seek more and more members, so that we can build up a truly strong Association. This helps in fulfilling our vision, carry out our mission and achieving our social and cultural objectives and make a real difference to society.
If you wish to become our member, please fill the form mail to us at our e-mail id.
Membership fee: Rs.1000 per year.

The need of an Association
A sizable number of people of Assam live and work in the east trans-Yamuna. A need had always been felt for an organization which would
- Systematically work for the spread of the rich culture and traditions of Assam
- Foster the feeling of brotherhood and love amongst the Assamese residents and bridge the gap with mainstream
- To inculcate love and pride for the root amongst the upcoming younger generation born outside Assam